Honor Guard School

Copyright 2024  Honor Guard School. All Rights Reserved.

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What Students Have Said

“This was the best class I have attended. The instructors were very knowledgeable about the topic and the practical exercises were great. I would recommend it to any Honor Guard member."

“I wish I knew about the course sooner. It is a great way to start our own Honor Guard team and we will build on the things we learned here. The instructors were passionate about the topics covered and they were happy to help us with any questions we had.”

  • Honor Guard History and Customs
  • Basic Drill Movements & Commands 
  • Casket Watch Sentinel Duty 
  • Casket Handling, Loading/Unloading 
  • Manual of Arms- Rifle, Axe, Pike
  • Ceremonial Flag Folding
  • Color Guard Movements

We provide Law Enforcement, Fire Department, and EMT Honor Guard members and Commanders with basic knowledge and practical skills to perform various ceremonial duties including:

Course Services